Featured Brand: Aqua Cultured Foods

Aqua Cultured Foods are doing something that is very important for the world we live on. For us they mark a culinary shift in regards to fungi, for too long mushrooms have just been mushrooms - but they are so much more than that. Anyone with a bit of knowledge about mushrooms might know about ‘chicken of the woods’ which is a mushroom that tastes and has the texture qualities of chicken. Why isn’t this being used as a protein alternative rather than over processed fake meats like soy? I’ve thought that many times… we have a plethora of different mushrooms and even one that tastes just like lobster.
This brings us nicely to what Aqua Cultured Foods are doing, they are making fish alternatives that even work with the delicate nature of sushi! All 100% (non-genetically modified) fungi! This isn’t just for veggie’s or vegans though, The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation estimates that more than 80 percent of the world’s fish stocks are “fully exploited or overexploited,” yet the global demand for seafood is increasing. Wild seafood stocks are expected to be depleted by 2048. So, this could be the innovation we all need.
Check out their site here