The Protein Choc Spread Recipe

The Protein Choc Spread Recipe

Are you somewhat addicted to chocolate spread, well if so, we have a recipe that is sure to satisfy that craving. Plus it will give you a hit of protein which is always appreciated! This recipe is cheap and simple - unlike the shop alternatives that include a bunch of oils and emulsifiers you don't need - not to mention this has WHEYD in so, it must be the best right? 


  • Black beans, 1 tin
  • Lactose Free WHEYD Chocolate Protein Powder, 3 Scoops 
  • Cocoa Powder, 3 Tablespoons
  • Vanilla extract, 1 tea spoon
  • Rolled oats, Quater cup 
  • Milk (any kind), Quarter cup 


  • Blend together until creamy 
  • Put into container with lid 
  • Store in fridge, will last for 7-10 days