Workout 2 - The Bodyweight Triplet
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For Time:
· Sit-Ups
· Push-Ups
· Air Squats
Movements can be completed in any order, e.g. Sit-Ups then Push-Ups then Air Squats OR Push-Ups then Air Squats then Sit-Ups however you need to keep it in that order for all 3 rounds (see below in Common Questions section)
A full round of 21 reps of each movement must be completed before moving on the round of 15 reps for each movement then the round of 9 reps for each movement.
21 Sit-Ups
21 Push-Ups
21 Air Squats
15 Sit-Ups
15 Push-Ups
15 Air Squats
9 Sit-Ups
9 Push-Ups
9 Air Squats
Scoring: fastest time = best score
The fastest Elite Male and Elite Female times will win:
1 x Fat Loss or Strength Plan Nutrition set up each.
Score submission deadline = Tuesday 31st March, 22:00 (10pm) GMT.
To be eligible to win, you will need to film the workout.
Click here for info on how to film & upload. We recommend downloading the WODProof app for free.
Uploading a video isn't mandatory, however we will request the videos of the top 10 athletes for each workout to check standards.
Head over to our Competition Corner event page for full details:
Common Questions
"Can I change the order of the movements each round?"
21 Push-Ups
21 Sit-Ups
21 Air Squats
Then switch to:
15 Air Squats
15 Sit-Ups
15 Push-Ups
The simple answer to this is no.
You have to keep the same order for all rounds.
The reason for this is because, in the above example, you could do 36 straight Air Squats which is not allowed.
What you are allowed to do is pick any order you want, (e.g. Push-Ups then Sit-Ups then Air Squats OR Air Squats, Push-Ups then Sit Ups) however you must keep this same order for all 3 rounds!
Programming by Emma McQuaid - click here.