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Consists of 6 max rep movements, which are to be completed in the following order:

A – Max Plank

B – Max Unbroken Push-Ups (must be unbroken)

C – Max Wall Sit

D – Max Side Plank Right

E - Max Side Plank Left

F – Max Sit-Ups in 90 seconds (not unbroken)

1-minute rest between exercises. This will be hard to enforce exactly to 1 minute, so we will allow a variance of 5 seconds. Anything rest of over 1 min 5 seconds will incur a penalty.

Total Time (in seconds) & Reps = score (see example below)


Correct form is extremely important to avoid a score of 0 on the below movements, so take some time to read and have a few practice runs. Improper form will be give a score of 0.

Please re-watch Emma in the video for perfect form, it's normally easier this way than reading the required standards.


  • Elbows on floor, with forearms flat to floor
  • Keep a straight line from shoulder to toes
  • No raising or lowering of hips, as soon as parallel line is broken, timer stops. We will check all Top 10 athletes to verify, so be honest to save us time!



Elbows sit directly below shoulders. Not tucked under rip cage/chest. 

If the bum is raised at all, it doesn't count and your score for the plank will be 0.

Below is the perfect position, if you have a pipe - then brilliant!


We've still seen A LOT of very bad reps in Workouts 2 & 3 and gave out a lot of penalties. We'll be just as strict in this workout. 

You must do one unbroken set, you can rest at full extension, but you cannot put your knees down (or bum up) to rest.

If you did 25 push-ups, and number 11 was a no-rep, we'll adjust your score to 10.


Wall Sit

  • Knees 90-degree angle (any lower or high and it's a score of 0)
  • Quads parallel to the floor
  • Back flat against the wall (any arch in the back and it's a score of 0)
  • Arms & hands away from legs (if you're using your hards or arms to assist, it's a score of 0)

Side Planks (both sides)

  • Elbows on floor, with forearms flat to floor
  • Opposite arm, straight in the air
  • Keep a straight line from shoulder to heels
  • No raising or lowering of hips, as soon as parallel line is broken, timer stops

Perfect form:

Take note of right and wrong form below (with regards to height of hips, we’ll require you to have your hand straight in the air) – top image is correct. There’s little between them but the difference between a score of 0 and a good score! 


AMRAP in 90 seconds, you can break as much as you want.

Make sure the hands touch the floor behind your head, we’ll be checking for this!



The best score for Male Elite and Female Elite will win:

4 x pairs of AMRAP socks (each)



Score submission deadline = Sunday 5th April, 22:00 (10pm) GMT.



To be eligible to win, you will need to film the workout.

Click here for info on how to film & upload. We recommend downloading the WODProof app for free.

Uploading a video isn't mandatory, however we will request the videos of the top 10 athletes for each workout to check standards.


Example Score:

A – Max Plank (1 min 31 = 91 seconds)

B – Max Unbroken Push-Ups (must be unbroken) - 40

C – Max Wall Sit (1 min 10 = 70 seconds)

D – Max Side Plank Right (2 mins 3 = 123 seconds)

E - Max Side Plank Left (2 mins 15 - 135 seconds)

F – Max Sit-Ups in 90 seconds (not unbroken) - 61

Total score - 91 + 40 + 70 + 123 + 135 + 61 = 520

You do not need to add the 60 seconds rest time to total workout

If you’re having problems with this, please send us an email and we can help.



Programming by Emma McQuaid - click here.